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Women'secret Social Board

Knowledge areas required for the project:

  • Art direction
  • Technical direction
  • Responsive website design
  • Backend development
  • User interfaces design
  • HTML/CSS Web Layout
  • Client side programming

The question

Women'secret needed a tool to manage the content posted on social networks related to the brand. They also wanted to select the most interesting content and publish it in an easy and attractive way.

The answer

We created a program for Women'secret to be able to look for their hashtags in twitter and instagram. In that backend, the client could select the most interesting posts and publish them in its own social board. They also had the option to add Youtube videos and to create new content in the social board, both photographic or editorial. If a garment of the brand appeared in the selected posts, they could show the picture and link it to the online store.

Chromatic range


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